Thursday, March 27, 2008

Henna hair.

This stuff looks nasty but makes your hair feel great. Nibha applied this henna concoction to my head and I put a plastic bag over it and slept on it overnight. Now I have some red hair.

Phase I.

Phase II.

Phase III.

Phase IV.


Jessica said...

It's really pretty and subtle. Not like Sydney though.

Collin said...


Tom said...

More red!

Jacob said...

I did henna to my hair several years ago. It is kinda an interesting feeling - heavy. I had wanted mine to turn really dark but I got the wrong henna powder so mine (since it's a bit lighter than yours) soaked it all up and turned reddish-orange! Luckily, it's all natural. :) I'm glad it turned out well on you - now before you come back you need to get covered with henna tatoos! Those are the best! Thanks for sharing your adventures!
