Friday, March 14, 2008

Warning: bloody photo.

Many have asked so I am posting the bloody photo.
I made the executive decision to stop taking Malaria pills today in case that is what is causing my bloody noses. So far, I have had one nearly everyday, but most of the other ones are really nothing at all, just a couple of drops of blood. This was by far the worst.


jrm said...

that is awesome. i gotta go get a plane ticket.

Monique said...

I say resume the malaria pills. . .

You probably bled because of the change in altitude and climate.

Malaria is a bad lamma jamma, dude. -Worse than any nosebleed.

Tom said...

The nosebleeds are due to her being Jenni.

jrm said...

i say resume malaria too, i don't think i ever heard of nosebleeds as a side effect of anitbiotics.... but i will look into it.

mom said...

Tom's mom:

If you are taking hydroxychloroquine, I've been taking it for many years with no nosebleeds (200 mgs twice daily) or other problems, so I vote with Monique. But every physiology is different in lots of ways so my vote is hedged...whereas Monique's the doc!!

Jenni said...

Just so I don't worry all of you, Malaria isn't really a problem in the area that I am volunteering in during this time of year. Probably more after monsoon. I haven't had nose bleeds since I stopped the medication. I will start it up again once I head back out on the road to some other areas, but for now I think I am safe and I am saving blood for next month.

Kaahl said...

i am not convinced they are nosebleeds at all--i know flesh eating zombies when i see them!