Friday, April 25, 2008

Free Tibet.

I am sure that many of you are aware of the issues in Tibet right now with the Olympics approaching this summer. It is difficult to travel and to talk with so many people and see demonstrations and not feel some responsibility.

Every evening in McLeod Ganj there is a candle light procession with the Tibetan monks through the streets, which ends at the temple with some chanting and prayers. We joined the procession the other night, which was very peaceful.

It is incredible to see such a peaceful religion and people who have experienced so much brutality. One of the monks I met the other day trekked for 44 days across the himalayas into Nepal to escape with a group of Tibetan refugees some 15 or more years ago. He stayed in Nepal until just this year when he came to India to learn English.

We walk past tents everyday where Monks are sitting in a hunger strike to protest against China.

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